Ucuzal M, Kanan N. Foot massage: effectiveness on postoperative pain in breast surgery patients. Pain Manag Nurs. 2014;15(2):458-65. Lo scopo di questo studio era di…
Leggi tutto Efficacia del massaggio ai piedi nel dolore post operatorio in pazienti operate al senoAutore: Redazione
La relazione medico-paziente nella terapia del dolore con oppioidi
M.S. Matthias MS, Krebs EE, Bergman AA, Coffing JM, Bair MJ. Communicating about opioids for chronic pain: A qualitative study of patient attributions and the…
Leggi tutto La relazione medico-paziente nella terapia del dolore con oppioidiPrevenzione delle lipoipertrofie
Blanco M, Hernández MT, Strauss KW, Amaya M. Prevalence and risk factors of lipohypertrophy in insulin- injecting patients with diabetes. Diabetes Metab. 2013;39(5):445-53. Lo studio…
Leggi tutto Prevenzione delle lipoipertrofieLivello di sedazione e alterazioni dei parametri vitali in pazienti ricoverati di terapia intensiva durante le cure igieniche
Elli S, Lucchini A, Minotti D, Giacovelli M, Coppolecchia G, et al. Assist Inferm Ric 2014;33(1):7-14 Studio osservazionale prospettico su 11 pazienti ammessi in una…
Leggi tutto Livello di sedazione e alterazioni dei parametri vitali in pazienti ricoverati di terapia intensiva durante le cure igienicheFocus on: Pain Nursing Education
Chronic pain affects around 1 in 5 adults in Europe, yet it remains poorly managed and under-treated, prolonging the suffering for patients and increasing the risk of complications.
A lack of knowledge about pain medicine is a key barrier to effective pain treatment and management, yet evidence suggests that pain education is not prioritised in a number of countries across Europe. Just to highlight the main critical issues: pain teaching is inconsistent and limited, and typically incorporated into other subjects. There is no dedicated teaching on pain in 7 out of 10 medical schools in Europe. Even where pain teaching is dedicated and compulsory, only 0.2% of undergraduate medical teaching is allocated to pain.
Pain Nursing Magazine has entirely devoted the section “Focus on” on pain nursing education, with a careful analysis of the situation in United Kingdom, France and Italy, with the aim to raise awareness on the issue.