Sulla questione delle pratiche di auto-cura
L’editoriale di questo numero di Pain Nursing Magazine si apre con una riflessione di Giddens (1995) che scrive “quando vaste aree della vita di un individuo non vengono più organizzate da modelli e abitudini preesistenti, l’individuo è obbligato a contrattare le scelte che riguardano il proprio stile di vita. Inoltre,…
Leggi TuttoLa meditazione come opportunità terapeutica nel dolore cronico: esperienza personale in una popolazione thailandese residente in Italia
RIASSUNTO Introduzione. La meditazione può e dovrebbe essere considerata un ausilio importante nell’approccio non-farmacologico della terapia del dolore cronico. Scopo dello studio. Mettere a confronto meditanti esperti con meditanti non-esperti in relazione a quanto la pratica meditativa riesce a controllare il dolore cronico (DC). Materiali e metodi. Soggetti: 78 soggetti…
Leggi TuttoMeditazione e dolore
RIASSUNTO Negli ultimi 30 anni una ricerca considerevole ha esaminato gli effetti psicologici e fisiologici della meditazione e delle pratiche meditative, di cui se ne dispongono un’ampia varietà per le cure della salute. Esiste da secoli una forma di meditazione alquanto semplice ma piuttosto efficace che si chiama Mindfulness, che…
Leggi TuttoFocus on: Pain Nursing Education
Chronic pain affects around 1 in 5 adults in Europe, yet it remains poorly managed and under-treated, prolonging the suffering for patients and increasing the risk of complications. A lack of knowledge about pain medicine is a key barrier to effective pain treatment and management, yet evidence suggests that pain…
Leggi TuttoPain education in nursing: influencing change in the United Kingdom
ABSTRACT The importance of effective pain education for nurses and other healthcare professionals has long been recognised by national and international bodies with a specialist interest in pain. A lack of knowledge, skills and competence can negatively impact on the patient’s pain experience and the nursing care they receive. This…
Leggi TuttoPain Nursing Education in France
ABSTRACT Nurse working in tertiary structure of chronic pain (Structure Douleur Chronique: SDC) receives an initial training and a specialized training in pain, usually a university degree. Her missions include: 1) the realization of a multidimensional pain assessment, 2) participation in multiprofessional care of the patient, and 3) the establishment…
Leggi TuttoPain management and accredited nursing training: the Italian experience
ABSTRACT To date, accredited nursing training on the assessment and effective management of pain is not so widespread in Italy. However, several important improvements in terms of legislation have been made, in particular according to the directives set forth in Legislative decree 38/2010. Therefore, a starting point is indeed the…
Leggi TuttoThe provision of pain education in undergraduate medical schools across Europe: the Italian perspective
A poor understanding of pain medicine by doctors and nurses significantly hinders optimal pain management. Limited evidence suggests that undergraduate pain education in medical schools is often inadequate, but this has not been comprehensively assessed in Italy. The Advancing the Provision of Pain Education and Learning (APPEAL) study, guided by…
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