The article begins with a brief history of pain models, concentrating on the development from dualistic models (based on somatogenic or psychogenic origins of pain) to biopsychosocial approaches. It further describes the background of the development of biopsychosocial models of pain, which set the framework for the modern concept of an interdisciplinary chronic pain treatment. The second part of the article briefly reviews and discusses the main components of an interdisciplinary pain management programme and the important role of the nurse in the team. The article finally emphasises education in nursing, which should follow an interdisciplinary approach to pain management.
KEY WORDS: interdisciplinary management, models of pain, nurse, pain team.
Received: March 24, 2016
Accepted after revision: April 27, 2016
Pain Nursing Magazine 2016: 5: 12-16
DOI: DOI: 10.19190/PNM/2016.1eo12 >/p>
Dopo una breve storia dei modelli di dolore, concentrandosi sullo sviluppo dai modelli dualistici (che si basano sull’origine somatogena o psicogena del dolore) agli approcci biopsicosociali, l’articolo descrive il background per lo sviluppo dei modelli biopsicosociali di dolore, delineando il contesto che ha portato al moderno concetto di trattamento interdisciplinare del dolore cronico. La seconda parte dell’articolo esamina brevemente e discute il programma di gestione interdisciplinare del dolore e l’importante ruolo dell’infermiere. Si sottolinea infine come la formazione infermieristica per la gestione del dolore dovrebbe ispirarsi a un approccio interdisciplinare.
PAROLE CHIAVE: gestione interdisciplinare, infermiere, modelli di dolore, pain team.