Pain Nursing Education in France

Nurse working in tertiary structure of chronic pain (Structure Douleur Chronique: SDC) receives an initial training and a specialized training in pain, usually a university degree. Her missions include: 1) the realization of a multidimensional pain assessment, 2) participation in multiprofessional care of the patient, and 3) the establishment of technical care and support. Skills of nurses in SDC enriched over the years with new degree programs. This is hypnosis, psychocorporal practice or therapeutic education (1). These techniques are essential to support the patient as a whole person, diversifying the supply of care: this is what makes the specificity of SDC (2). The initial evolution is moving towards an integrated academic training in the “bachelor- master- doctorate” process.
Keywords: degree, France master, pain management, pain nursing education

L’infermiere che lavora nella struttura del dolore cronico (Structure Douleur Chronique: SDC) riceve una formazione di base e una formazione specifica sul dolore, di solito a livello universitario. I suoi compiti sono: 1) valutazione multidimensionale del dolore, 2) partecipazione nella cura multiprofessionale del paziente, e 3) prestazione delle cure e supporto tecnico. Le competenze degli infermieri dell’SDC si sono arricchite nel corso degli anni con nuovi programmi, come l’ipnosi, la terapia psicocorporea o l’educazione terapeutica (1). Queste tecniche sono essenziali per sostenere il paziente considerato nella sua unità di persona, corpo e anima, diversificando l’offerta di cura: questo è ciò che caratterizza la SDC (2). Dall’evoluzione iniziale ci si sta muovendo verso una formazione accademica integrata nel sistema di “laurea-master-dottorato”.
Parole chiave: formazione infermieristica sul dolore, Francia, laurea, master, trattamento del dolore

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Pain management and accredited nursing training: the Italian experience

To date, accredited nursing training on the assessment and effective management of pain is not so widespread in Italy. However, several important improvements in terms of legislation have been made, in particular according to the directives set forth in Legislative decree 38/2010. Therefore, a starting point is indeed the implementation of different levels of university training courses, whose requirements and needs vary according to the primary qualification of the trainee (basic or advanced), so that health assistance to patients may be the most effective and professional as possible. In particular, improving the level of expertise of trained nurses in pain assessment, management and patient assistance can indeed be a strategic choice to better face this complex multidimensional phenomenon.
Keywords: advanced nursing, degree, Italy, master, pain management, pain nursing education.

Ad oggi, non è molto diffusa in Italia una formazione infermieristica riconosciuta per saper valutare e gestire in modo efficace il dolore. Con la legge 38/2010 ci sono comunque stati diversi e importanti miglioramenti in termini di legislazione. Un primo punto di partenza è la realizzazione di diversi livelli di corsi di formazione universitari, le cui esigenze e bisogni variano in base alla qualifica primaria del tirocinante (livello base o avanzato), in modo tale che l’assistenza sanitaria ai pazienti possa essere il più efficace e il più professionale possibile. In particolare, il miglioramento del livello di competenza di infermieri appositamente formati per la valutazione del dolore, la gestione e l’assistenza del paziente può effettivamente essere una scelta strategica che permette di affrontare meglio questo complesso fenomeno multidimensionale.
Parole chiave: assistenza infermieristica avanzata, formazione infermieristica sul dolore, laurea, Italia, master, trattamento del dolore

Leggi tutto Pain management and accredited nursing training: the Italian experience

The provision of pain education in undergraduate medical schools across Europe: the Italian perspective

A poor understanding of pain medicine by doctors and nurses significantly hinders optimal pain management. Limited evidence suggests that undergraduate pain education in medical schools is often inadequate, but this has not been comprehensively assessed in Italy. The Advancing the Provision of Pain Education and Learning (APPEAL) study, guided by an expert taskforce of pain and education specialists under the leadership of the European Pain Federation (EFIC®), is a Europe-wide review of pain education in all undergraduate medical schools in 15 countries. These findings have informed recommendations by the APPEAL Taskforce on improving undergraduate pain education. Here, we compare data on pain education between Italian medical schools and those in other European countries.
Abstract, 37th Congress of the Italian Association for the Study of Pain, Stresa, May 22-24, 2014.

Leggi tutto The provision of pain education in undergraduate medical schools across Europe: the Italian perspective